Logan Hussein was born on Nov 26th, 2008 at the Queensway Carleton Hospital. It was a complicated birth and Logan struggled to survive after being born with pneumothorax – a collapsed lung. Logan was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in a specialized incubator and remained in the CHEO Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 9 days.

“I thought I was going to lose him,” Logan’s mother, Sue, remembers. “When I saw him plugged into all those bells and whistles, I thought that’s it — we are going to lose him.”

Somehow, Logan did pull through, thanks to the professionalism, care and compassion of the doctors and nurses at CHEO. From the day they finally took Logan home, Susan and his father Wael made a lifelong commitment to help save the lives of other children — and to give others hope.

For Logan’s first birthday, on November 26, the Hussein Family hosted their first fundraiser, asking that guests, in lieu of gifts, donate to CHEO’s NICU Unit. The response was beyond anything they imagined, and has since become an annual tradition.

“It was my 5th birthday that I realized I was actually making a difference,” Logan says. “Before that, it was just a birthday party. But then I realized, this is no longer about me. This is about all the kids at the NICU.” Since 2009, Logan and his family have raised $70,000 for CHEO’s NICU, with more than $20,000 raised last year alone. And he’s just getting started. Logan’s latest goal? Raise $200,000 to purchase a new, neonatal incubator. “In terms of equipment, the most advanced technology is not necessarily funded by government,” Logan explains. “We need donations to get the very best technology for children. We can all save lives.”

The youngest ever recipient for ORDER of the GOOD BEAR, Logan participates each year in the CHEO Telethon. At the 2019 AFP Ottawa Philanthropy Awards, Logan was awarded the Youth Philanthropy Award. His moving speech “stole the show”, as quoted by the Ottawa Citizen. In anticipation of Logan’s 13th birthday party, on November 26th, we ask that you register, donate and join him on this journey to help save the lives.

Neonatal Transport Incubator

CHEO has recently purchased this critical piece of equipment – a cost Logan is committed to covering for the NICU. Learn about why the Neonatal Transport Incubator is so important to CHEO, parents and their babies here in Eastern Ontario.

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A mother’s story: Bringing Logan home

Q & A with Logan Hussein: 

Q: Tell us more about Logan? 

A: My favourite colour is red. I love dogs. Cats I don’t like that much. I want to be doctor when I grow up. My favourite sport is hockey and I really like swimming with my friends. And I love my mom and dad, brothers and sister. Family is very important to me. 

Q: At what age did you realize you were making a difference in the lives of other children? 

A: I feel like it was either my 4th or 5th birthday that I realized I was actually making a huge difference. Before that, it was just a birthday party. But then I realized, and now I realize, this is no longer about me. This is about all the kids at the NICU Unit.

Q: What do you really want to accomplish?

A: My goal right now is to raise enough money for an incubator, or one of those mobile incubators. I think that would be a huge goal for me.

Q: What are your fondest memories of this journey?

A: I would say some of my awards. The ORDER of the GOOD BEAR was a big one. But my most memorable moment I want to say was at AFP Ottawa Philanthropy Awards, where I received the 2019 Youth Philanthropy Award. It made it super special because I was the only kid there, besides two of my neighbours. I was the only kid there at the whole event, and I was actually getting an award. And it wasn’t a toy award. It was really heavy! And it meant a lot to me.

Q: Tell us about when you went back to the NICU?

A: I went back to the NICU a couple years back, it was really interesting to see what it was like when I was there, and what it is like now. And how things have changed. They showed us some photos of when I was there, and we got to see a child there now. I loved seeing all the gadgets and the amazing progress that has been made. I found them super interesting to learn how the technology has improved. 

Q: Does that give you hope? 

A: Yes. it gives me a lot of hope that life-saving technologies continue to improve. But it is not always government funded for CHEO, it terms of the equipment, and we really need these donations to get the best technology for all the babies. New technology is often faster and better, and it will help to save lives.